Center Park Wins Best Splash Pad USA Today Readers' Choice Award

Center Park Wins Best Splash Pad USA Today Readers' Choice Award

The USA Today Readers' Choice Award for Best Splash Pads in the nation have been announced and Center Park in Centennial is in the top 10! Get the details about the park and browse through some pictures in this blog post. You'll learn everything you need to plan your summer visit--including directions to the park.

Getting Active: Reaching a New Level of Service

Getting Active: Reaching a New Level of Service

The GRASP® Component Based method for Level of Service analysis has been the gold standard of community park system evaluation processes. By adding an important element to this proven process, GRASP® Active equates parks and park access to physical activity and public health. This new process combines the latest research in performance metrics and public health indicators with GRASP® which measures quantity, quality, and distribution across a system.